Free happiness for all
Simon Jones – 2nd December 2022A poem by Simon Jones, written 29th November 2022 for a public event on Basic Income hosted by the Basic Income Network Scotland in the Wee Red Bar in EdinburghReprinted here with kind permission.
Free Happiness For All
There's an idea, old and newWhose time has comeThat money should be freeUniversal basic income.For our ancient ancestorsStuff was just freeThey didn't pay a feeTo take a fruit from a tree.Those perfect daysCould once again beWhen we share a little wealthWith you and with me."But wait," you ask,"Won't people just not work?Sit on the sofa all dayHow they'll love to shirk."You'd think so, rightBut when they put it to the testit transpires that in practicePeople actually give their best.When your welfare systemMires people in bureaucracyThey spend all day worrying.How efficient can they be?Give ordinary folk moneyIt gets spent at the shopsIt doesn't go to BermudaTo get squandered on yachts.Be brave, have faithTell politicians to tryThe policy of hope,Love and future: U.B.I.