Caring for All - Help Us Make it Happen
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Watch the Authors explain the report
Watch report lead author Nick Kempe talk about the overall report. Nick is the Convenor of the Common Weal Care Reform Group.
Nick Kempe was a Social Worker by training who moved into commissioning and contract management, became Head of Service for Older People in Glasgow and was then was seconded to Scotland Excel to develop commissioning nationally. He spent much of his career trying unsuccessfully to do more with less and improve standards of care. Since Covid he has been campaigning for reform of the social care system.
Watch academic Mark Smith discuss what care is and how it can be successful.
Professor Mark Smith was a practitioner and manager in residential child care settings for almost 20 years before entering academia. He taught a Masters programme in residential child care at the University of Strathclyde, was Senior Lecturer and Head of Social Work at the University of Edinburgh and is now Professor of Social Work at the University of Dundee.
Watch social work expert Colin Turbett explain why care must be local and based on trusting professionals.
Colin Turbett was a frontline social worker in the West of Scotland for nearly 40 years. He now writes regularly about social work matters from a critical and radical standpoint. He is a long time UNISON activist.
Watch early years specialist Marion McLeod explain how to get care right for parents, children and young people.
Marion MacLeod has worked for many years in children’s rights, welfare and equality, as a practitioner, planner, researcher and policy developer.
Neil Watson talks about focussing on Welfare.
Neil Watson is now retired but qualified as social worker in the mid-1970s and in a career lasting 35 years worked in residential child care, area team community social work, latterly taking up positions in mid and senior management in child care and adult care social work services.
Watch trade unionist Kathy Jenkins explain why the care workforce is so important to care. Kathy Jenkins is a member of the Common Weal Care Reform working group. She is the Secretary of Scottish Hazards, a health and safety activist network which provides a support service to mainly non unionised workers. She is the health and safety officer for the Edinburgh Not for Profit Branch of Unite. Kathy has worked in community development, public health and university teaching. |
Previous Care-Related reports
What is Care explains the theories that explain what care is and how it is best delivered to change lives
Childcare or Caring for Children is a vision of a care service for parents and young people
Care in Your Community is an explanation of why care must be delivered locally and introduces the idea of local care hubs
Health, Safety and Welfare of the Social Care Workforce explains what is wrong with the way the workforce is treated, why it matters and how to fix it
Struggling to Care explains how the fragmentation of social work has undermined care services
Manifesto for a National Care Service sets out the guiding principles Common Weal believes should underpin an NCS
Empty Promise is a critique of the Scottish Government's strategy on looked-after children, 'The Promise'
Submission to the Review of Adult Social Care explains what Common Weal would do
Response to the Adult Care Review critiques what it got wrong