The Common Weal Policy Podcast - Episode #8
Episode 8 of the Common Weal Policy Podcast
You can download this episode directly here.
Common Weal's Campaigns Officer Jonathon Shafi and Head of Policy & Research Dr Craig Dalzell discuss the outcome of the SNP Spring Conference
The big debate was, of course, on currency and the Growth Commission. Jonathon and Craig discuss the amendments to the motions, what they mean and what the implications are of Amendment D passing and the others falling.
Tim Rideout's speech for Amendment D and against the "six tests" can be watched below.
Next, they discuss the newly announced Social Justice and Fairness Commission and how that may build on the work of the Growth Commission.
The Green New Deal comes into focus this week with announcements of a "climate emergency" in both the Scottish and UK Parliaments - but how does the rhetoric stack up next to the policies and announcements of government officials?
Finally, the SNP conference formally adopted one of Craig's policy papers, Scotland's Data Desert, via passing a motion to create a Scottish Statistics Agency. Craig discusses what that will mean for policy development in Scotland and why it's needed.
Common Weal's work is only possible thanks to our generous supporters who regularly donate an average of £10 per month. If you would like to help us build our vision of an All of Us First Scotland, you can do so here:
The Policy Podcast would like to discuss all of Common Weal's policy papers in detail over the next several months so if there are any papers that you would like to see covered sooner rather than later, send your suggestions in to
"Hiding Your Reality" Kevin MacLeod (
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