
The Case of the Missing Minister

We set out the design for a National Care Service capable of breaking the cycle of failure demand and supporting people to live the best lives they can.

We want to see a Scotland which has a major plan for our natural resources. This should include how to use them for the true benefit of society and how we protect our resources for the future.



An essential goal for Scotland should be to substantially reduce crime. We believe this must be achieved through the use of interventions which break the cycle of offending. At the same time we want to see a plan for justice which is clear of hindering delays.

Public Finance


World: Our proposals for a Scotland which establishes itself in the world by developing positive relations and making itself a welcoming country.

Health: By building capacity and trusting staff we have a programme which can rescue the National Health Service from a downward spiral.

“In Praise of Sturdy Buildings”

Why did the media miss the mess?

A Deal With The Devolved

Tick Tick Boom?

Met Your Match of the Day

Is Scottish politics afraid of the arts?

A Very Tory Budget

Get Back to What you Know

Child Referrals to Social Work